Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions of Purchase
These conditions shall be deemed to form part of any order or contract accepted by Anglia CNC Engineering Ltd (from here on referred to as “the Buyer”).
Any conditions on the External Provider’s (from here on referred to as “the Supplier’s”) quotation form will not form part of any contract with the Buyer, unless the Buyer has specifically agreed in writing.
The Supplier’s interactions with Anglia CNC Engineering Ltd will primarily but not exclusively occur via email. The primary email address is: [email protected]
Although the Buyer will give verbal orders covered by an order number relating to the Supplier’s quotation, the Buyer will require all orders to be confirmed in writing by the Supplier and clearly stating;
Processes, products and services to be provided
Identification of relevant technical data (e.g., specifications, drawings, process requirements, work instructions)
The Buyer is also required to flow down to the Supplier all applicable requirements including any applicable Customer Requirements.
In accordance with our AS9100 accreditation, prior to order acceptance, the Buyer will require confirmation in writing of:
(a) Required approvals of:
Products and services
Methods, processes and equipment
The release of products and services
(b) Competence, including any required qualification of persons
(c) Confirmation of special requirements, critical items, or key characteristics as required by Anglia CNC Engineering;
(d) Test, inspection, and verification (including production process verification) as required by Anglia CNC Engineering
(e) Statistical techniques used for product acceptance and related instructions for acceptance as required by Anglia CNC Engineering Ltd.
These confirmations must be sent to: [email protected]
The delivery date agreed by the Buyer must not fluctuate without prior written consent of the Buyer. Delivery will be accepted 2 days early, and no days late, anything outside this window will be recorded as ‘Not on time’, the Supplier’s performance will be monitored with a key indicator being ‘On time delivery’. Where necessary, the Buyer’s purchase order, or documents referred to in the purchase order, will state the revision status of specifications, drawings, process requirements, verification instructions and relevant technical details.
In accordance with AS9100 requirements, the Supplier’s performance will be monitored, including On-Time-In-Full and Quality.
Buyer shall be the “responsible party” for export purposes
Any variations or discrepancies between Supplier’s quotation and Buyer’s purchase order will be clarified where possible before commencement of work and confirmed in writing.
If during work in progress drawing or issue changes are made so as to render work unusable, the Buyer will remunerate the Supplier with the full costs incurred and the work in progress thus far will be despatched at cost to the Buyer for disposal.
6) If during the work in progress, drawing or issue changes are made which render the work still acceptable, then any agreed additional costs incurred will be borne by the Buyer.
7) If during the event of production the Buyer, for whatever reason, cancels an order on the Supplier, then the Buyer will reimburse the Supplier’s full costs incurred and the work in progress thus far will be despatched at cost to the Buyer for disposal.
(a) So long as any money owing to the Supplier from the Buyer is outstanding in respect of goods sold subject to these conditions, the property in such goods delivered by the Supplier to the Buyer or the Buyer’s order will not pass to the Buyer and the Supplier will retain title to all such goods until the Buyer’s indebtedness has been discharged in full.
(b) Until all monies are paid in full the Buyer will hold goods delivered by the Supplier to the Buyer in a fiduciary capacity on the Supplier’s behalf, and should any such goods be re-sold by the Buyer then the Buyer shall hold the proceeds of such sale in a like fiduciary capacity on the Supplier’s behalf until the total amount of the Buyer’s indebtedness to the Supplier has been discharged.
(c) With regards to any goods delivered by the Supplier to the Buyer so long as the Supplier had ownership thereof in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) above, the Supplier may (without prejudice to any other rights the Supplier may have) recover or re-sell the said goods or any of them and may enter upon the Buyers premises by the Suppliers servants and agents for that purpose at any time after the credit period extended to the Buyer has passed on immediately upon or at any time after the commencement of any act or proceedings involving the Buyers solvency.
All work undertaken by the Supplier is subject to inspection control and management following ISO9001 and EN9100 requirements. If any goods delivered to the Buyer are found to be defective and not conforming to Buyers purchase order the Supplier must be notified within 2 (two) weeks of receipt of goods, and the Supplier will be expected to make good all deliveries at their own cost. Where items have a ‘shelf life’, a non-conforming item is deemed to be anything supplied which has less than 80% of it’s original ‘shelf life’ remaining.
In addition, in accordance with AS9100 requirements, the Supplier shall plan, implement and control processes, appropriate to the organisation and the product, for prevention of counterfeit or suspect counterfeit part use and their inclusion in product(s) delivered to Anglia CNC Engineering.
NOTE: Counterfeit part prevention processes should consider but not be limited to;
Training of appropriate persons in the awareness and prevention of counterfeit parts
Application of a Parts Obsolescence Monitoring program
Controls for acquiring externally provided product from original or authorized manufacturers, authorized distributors or other approved sources
Requirements for assuring traceability of parts and components to their original or authorized manufacturers
Verification of counterfeit parts reporting from external sources
Quarantine and reporting of suspect or detected counterfeit parts
Unless otherwise agreed in writing between Supplier and the Buyer prior to commencement of contract, payment shall be made within 30 days of the end of the month of the document date.
Anglia CNC Engineering Ltd. reserve the right of access by the organisation, our customer, and regulatory authorities to all facilities involved in the order and to all applicable records at all levels of the supply chain.
This includes any required verification or validation activities that Anglia CNC Engineering or its Customers may deem necessary to perform at the Suppliers’ premises
The Supplier shall:
Notify the Buyer of any non-conforming product(s) and / or service(s) and arrange for Buyer approval of non-conformance.
Notify the Buyer of changes in product and/or process definition and, where required, obtain the Buyer’s approval.
Flow down to sub-tier Suppliers the applicable requirements in the purchasing documents, including key characteristics where required.The Supplier is also responsible for ensuring that:
All relevant persons within their organisation are aware of their contribution to product or service conformity and product safety;
All relevant persons within their organisation are aware of the importance of ethical behaviour.In addition, all AS9100 accredited Suppliers shall:
Establish a documented Quality Management System (QMS) that is independently assessed and certified by a certification body. The certification body shall be accredited to provide audit and certification of quality management systems.
Use Anglia CNC Engineering designated or approved external providers, including process sources (e.g. special processes)
Provide upon request test specimens for inspection / verification, investigation or auditing purposes.
Retain documented information, including retention periods and disposition requirements.
Goods supplied should contain no ‘conflict materials’ (as defined by section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010) that are mined or smelted in the Democratic Republic of Congo or surrounding countries.
Quality, manufacturing and materials records for all sub-contract work must be retained and stored safely by the Supplier for a period of 40 years for Aerospace work and 10 years for non-Aerospace work. If the Supplier does not have facilities to do this, all relevant information should be returned to Anglia CNC Engineering for storage.
Terms and Conditions of Sale and Quotation
These conditions shall be deemed to form part of any order or contract accepted by the Seller (Anglia CNC Engineering Ltd). Any conditions on the buyer’s / customers order form will not form part of any contract with the Seller, unless the Seller has specifically agreed in writing
This quotation is valid for 30 (thirty) days from the date of quotation unless specifically agreed in writing otherwise.
The price for the Goods shall be exclusive of any value added tax and all costs or charges in relation to loading, unloading, carriage, insurance, excise or other duties and taxes.
Although the Seller will accept verbal orders covered by an order number relating to the Sellers quotation, the Seller will however require all orders to be confirmed in writing by the Buyer and clearly stating quantity, drawing or reference number, issue status and price.
The Seller will acknowledge the buyers orders if requested.
The delivery date given by the Seller is the best estimate at the time and is likely to fluctuate prior to receipt of firm order from the Buyer. Reasonable effort will be made to deliver goods on the date given but the Seller cannot accept liability for losses occasioned by delay or non-delivery occurring for any reason whatsoever.
Any variations on discrepancies between Sellers quotation and Buyers purchase order will be clarified where possible before commencement of work and confirmed in writing.
If during work in progress drawing or issue changes are made so as to render work unusable, the Buyer will remunerate the Seller with the full costs incurred and the work in progress thus far will be despatched at cost to the Buyer for disposal.
9) If during the work in progress, drawing or issue changes are made but renders the work still acceptable, then any agreed additional costs incurred will be borne by the Buyer.
10) If during the event of production the Buyer, for whatever reason, cancels an order on the Seller, then the Buyer will reimburse the Sellers full costs incurred and the work in progress thus far will be despatched at cost to the Buyer for disposal.
- (a) So long as any money owing to the Seller from the Buyer is outstanding in respect of goods sold subject to these conditions, the property in such goods delivered by the Seller to the Buyer or to Buyers order will not pass to the Buyer and the Seller will retain title to all such goods until the Buyer’s indebtedness has been discharged in full.
- (b) Until all monies are paid in full the Buyer will hold goods delivered by the Seller to the Buyer in a fiduciary capacity on the Sellers behalf, and should any such goods be re-sold by the Buyer the Buyer shall hold the proceeds of such sale in a like fiduciary capacity on the Seller’s behalf until the total amount of the Buyers indebtedness to the Seller has been discharged.
- (c) With regard to any goods delivered by the Seller to the Buyer so long as the Seller had ownership thereof in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) above the Seller may (without prejudice to any other rights the Seller may have) recover or re-sell the said goods or any of them and may enter upon the Buyers premises by the Sellers servants and agents for that purpose at any time after the credit period extended to the Buyer has passed on immediately upon or at any time after the commencement of any act or proceedings involving the Buyers solvency.
All work undertaken by the Seller is subject to inspection control and management following ISO9001 requirements. If any goods delivered to the Buyer are found to be defective and not conforming to the Buyers purchase order the Seller must be notified within 2 (two) weeks of receipt of goods.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing between Seller and the Buyer prior to commencement of contract, payment shall be made within 30 days of the document date. New accounts will be on a pro-forma basis for the first order until an acceptable credit limit is agreed.
It is the duty of the supplier to notify the buyer of any non conforming part, and arrange for buyer approval of nonconforming material. It is a requirement of the supplier to notify the buyer of changes in product and/or process definition and, where required, obtain buyer approval. It is a requirement of the supplier to flow down to sub-tier suppliers the applicable requirements in the purchasing documents, including key characteristics where required
In reference to blanket orders for products that are subject to call off and invoiced separately for work that has been completed by (contracted date) it is agreed that these invoices will become due and payable on agreed terms in their own right notwithstanding that they are part of a blanket order.
This contract is divisible. Each delivery made hereunder shall be deemed to arise from a separate contract and shall be invoiced separately; any invoice for a delivery shall be payable in full in accordance with the terms of payment provided for herein, without reference to and notwithstanding any defect of default in delivery of any other instalment.
Anglia CNC Engineering Limited is a data controller within the UK. The personal information referred to in this Policy may include name, contact details, payroll data and other such information that may be necessary for the effective management of the company. Any person wishing to verify the information held by Anglia CNC Engineering Limited should apply to Andy Clark in writing.
Anglia CNC Engineering Limited collects and holds personal information about:
The employees of the business to comply with lawful processing requirements of:
(a) Company Payroll
(b) HR legislation
(c) Running the business
The Subcontractors/Suppliers of the business. This information is used for:
(a) Contact purposes
(b) Running the business
The Customers of the business. This information is used for
(a) Contact purposes
(b) Running the business
Access to employee data is strictly controlled and restricted to the Payroll administrator.
Customer/Supplier and Sub-contractor data is strictly controlled by Role Based access restrictions.
Data Security measures
(a) Access to servers is restricted to the appropriate staff members
(b) Firewalls are in place on specific open ports and all other ports are closed
(c) Servers and PC’s are protected and regularly scanned with anti -virus/spyware/malware which are routinely updated.
Training and Awareness:
All company employees with access to personal or customer/supplier/sub-contractor data are given appropriate data protection and information security training.